Will a history teacher with a national certificate be paid a tuition fee?

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Will a history teacher with a national certificate be paid a tuition fee?

10:14 / 15.01.2025 5.48k


I recently received a national certificate in history. I am a historian of the highest class. But I teach education. My upbringing classes are paid for at the highest level.

My question is, will I be paid a tuition fee for my national certificate?


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2022 No. DP-134:

  • pedagogical staff with an internationally recognized certificate - 50 percent of their tariff rate;

  • Teachers who have a certificate obtained in the national assessment system of the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency will be paid a monthly additional bonus in the amount of 20% of their tariff rate.

Paragraph 9a of the above decree provides for pedagogical personnel who have a certificate of the relevant level in the subject they teach.

That is, if a subject teacher has an international or national certificate in another subject that he does not teach, these bonuses will not be paid to them.

Even in the above situation, a history teacher with a national certificate will not be paid a surcharge for past hours of education.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • surcharge
  • National certificate
