What would it be like to have a choice of textbooks?

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What would it be like to have a choice of textbooks?

23:46 / 26.01.2024 1.44k
I recently heard an interesting piece of information. According to information, school textbooks in Germany are different not only in all federal regions, but also in schools.

That is, while school textbooks are being printed by various publishers. Teachers and parents can use whichever textbook they like.

For example, if you find a textbook from a publisher to be complicated or full of errors, you have several other options.

Although I am not an expert on textbooks, I think that this method would have given a unique solution to the problem of textbooks in Uzbekistan.

There are 4 months left until the end of the school year. However, the textbooks have not yet reached the schools. And we adhere to the view that textbooks should be published by only one publisher and that all textbooks should be the same.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Teacher
  • education
  • textbooks
  • school
