What instructions did the Prime Minister give regarding the issue of high-class teachers with 15 years of work experience?

13:00 / 28.04.2024
Recently, in the document signed by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, there was also mention of high-class teachers with 15 years of work experience. But the content of the document is being interpreted differently.
The following instructions were given in the document:
A pedagogue who has maintained the higher qualification category for 15 years and has continuous work experience after obtaining the higher qualification category (head teacher position) as determined by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 2, 2022 No. 425 the procedure of not being involved in the next mandatory attestation of personnel will not be applied to pedagogues with 15 years of continuous work experience and higher qualification category (in this case, the period of obtaining the higher category is not important) until August 2, 2022.
So, what was said in the document signed by the prime minister?
As you know, on September 17, 2021, by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 572, the regulation on the procedure for certification of pedagogic personnel was approved. At that time, in paragraph 6, paragraph 2 of the regulation, it was determined that highly qualified teachers who have 15 years of continuous work experience in educational organizations will not be involved in lifelong certification.
However, on August 2, 2022, according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 425, it was determined that only pedagogues who have maintained the category of higher qualification for 15 years and have continuous work experience, and not those who have 15 years of continuous work experience, will not be involved in the next mandatory attestation.
After that, many began to ask questions about what the top-class teachers who have 15 years of work experience will do next until August 2, 2022.
In response to these requests, the (former) Ministry of Public Education issued a separate letter stating that normative legal documents do not have retroactive effect, therefore, until August 2, 2022, he had 15 years of continuous work experience and had a higher category ( stated that it will not be applied to pedagogues who have a higher category.
This provision was mentioned once again in the document signed by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov. That is, nothing has changed. The document mentions that until August 2, 2022, new rules will not be applied to highly qualified teachers who have 15 years of continuous work experience.
To make it more clear, teachers with a higher qualification category who have 15 years of continuous work experience by August 2, 2022 do not necessarily have to have kept the higher qualification category for 15 years. After August 2, 2022, new rules will apply to pedagogues who have reached 15 years of service and have received the highest category.
It is against the law to attract high-class teachers with 15 years of work experience to attest until August 2, 2022. According to Article 41 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Normative-Legal Documents", normative-legal documents do not have retroactive force and are applied to social relations that have arisen after their implementation.
Therefore, it is against the law to attract high-class teachers who have 15 years of work experience until August 2, 2022. The ministry can provide a solution to this complicated issue.
In our opinion, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Poverty Alleviation and Employment, by August 2, 2022, after calculating the annual work experience of high-class teachers who have 15 years of work experience, according to the procedure established by the law, among them it is necessary to form a list of pedagogues who belong to the category and issue an order regarding the preservation of the qualification category of these teachers for life and paying them according to the category of higher qualification through a single order.
Currently, a total of 53 thousand 914 teachers with higher degrees are working in general secondary educational institutions. A certain part of them are high-class teachers with 15 years of continuous work experience until August 2, 2022. The Ministry of Pre-School and School Education should form a list of these pedagogues.
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