Have you ever heard of the Cave School?

Dongzhong Mid-Cave Elementary School is located in the mountainous village of Miao, Guangzhou Province, China, and is famous for being located inside a cave. The school operated from 1984 to 2011, during which time it attracted the attention of many with its unique location.
Dongzhong (meaning "within a cave" in Chinese) Mid-Cave Elementary School was established to provide an opportunity to educate students in poor rural areas of China.
Due to the lack of funds to build the building, the residents of Miao decided to take over the education, and due to the lack of resources for construction, they decided to use the cave as a school.
Because there were no other suitable structures in this region. Due to limited access to education in mountainous villages, this cave was converted into a school and replaced the school building.
Miao residents called it Mid-Cave Elementary School. In 1984, the school began operating in the cave with 8 teachers and 186 students.
The school was organized like ordinary classrooms and mainly served the children of the local population. Due to the lack of classroom space, the cave's natural structure served as a shelter for students.
Students spent up to six hours a day commuting to and from this school. Since Guangzhou was one of the poorest provinces in China, they received little government support.
Over time, the Chinese government began to worry about the cave's safety. As a result, this school was closed in 2011.
Dongzhong Mid-Cave Elementary School has gained attention for its unusual location and the ability to provide education to local children under difficult conditions. This is remembered as a symbol of the importance of school education and the desire of people to learn even in unfavorable conditions.
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The school principal who falsified student attendance has been fired.

The school principal became the head of the Tashkent City Department of Preschool and School Education.

Daycare services will be established for children with disabilities.

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