If a teacher fails to pass an extraordinary certification, will the current category be lowered?

I'm a first-class teacher. I didn't score enough on the winter overtime certification. I fell down with 58 points and came back. What category of certificate will I get now?
It is known that according to paragraph 4, paragraph 3 of the Regulation "On the Procedure for Attestation of Pedagogical Personnel of Preschool, General Secondary, Secondary Special, Vocational and Extracurricular Educational Organizations," pedagogical personnel may be certified at their discretion.
In this case, pedagogical personnel who have been increased or retained the current qualification category (position) based on the results of the extraordinary certification will be involved in the next mandatory certification after five years.
According to clause 7, paragraph 4 of this Regulation, the qualification category (position) of pedagogical personnel who participated in the extraordinary certification at their discretion and did not pass the certification is not lowered, and they are paid according to the qualification category (position) that was in force before participation in the extraordinary certification.
The conclusion is that in the above situation, even if the teacher does not pass an extraordinary certification, his first category remains.
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News on the topic

Which teachers retain their qualification category for life?
From September 1, 2025, all teachers will be involved in certification tests every 5 years.

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A teacher whose employment contract was terminated due to failure to pass certification may be hired as a teacher again only upon obtaining a professional certificate.

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There are several grounds for paying for an unscheduled spring attestation.

When will the procedure for providing a 70% bonus be introduced?
No one can say for sure yet.
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