Who submits the list of teachers who are candidates for the Minister's allowance to the Ministry?
According to the Regulation on the Minister's Fund, the maximum number of qualified pedagogical staff with monthly allowances in the republic is determined by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.
In 2025, the maximum number of qualified teaching staff with monthly allowances from the minister's fund will be 1,500.
Based on the results of entrance exams provided by the Agency for the Evaluation of Knowledge and Skills and the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions, after the quota is distributed by regions and districts (cities), it is submitted to the councils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent for the reform of the education system.
The Regional Council for Reforming the Education System will submit three times more candidates to the Ministry (Working Group) for selection than the quota established for each area in the corresponding district (city).
Who are the representatives of the regional council on education reform?
- Chairman of the Council - khokims;
- Deputy Chairman of the Council - heads of regional preschool and school education departments.
Basically, these two officials will consider and resolve the issue of candidates who are candidates for the minister's allowance at the council meeting. In addition to the two above-mentioned officials, the board has 21 other officials.
Among them are prosecutors, heads of justice departments, heads of employment departments, and rectors of higher education institutions.
After these regional councils form a list of candidates and submit it to the ministry, qualified pedagogical personnel with monthly allowances will be selected in two stages.
An order of the ministry will be issued on the appointment of a bonus at the expense of the Minister's Fund for pedagogical personnel who have successfully passed the selection stages.
How to get a Minister's Surcharge?
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