If the teacher's workplace changes, will the school allowance remain?

Currently, I receive a 20% bonus from the director's fund. I want to transfer to another school soon. If my workplace changes, will the 20% bonus remain?
According to the Regulation, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 823 dated September 30, 2019, the establishment of bonuses for pedagogical workers at the expense of the director's fund is carried out by working groups created in the general education institution.
The working group is formed on the basis of a decision of the pedagogical council of the general education institution, by order of the director of the institution, in an odd number of at least seven people, consisting of representatives of the supervisory board of the general education institution and parents of students from among the managerial and pedagogical staff working in this educational institution.
Monthly allowances to the basic tariff rates of pedagogical workers of general education institutions from the director's fund are established for the new academic year based on the results of the previous academic year.
Since the bonus assigned to pedagogical workers is based on the results achieved in the educational institution where they work, and is determined by the working group of this educational institution, the bonus assigned when a pedagogical worker changes their place of work is not retained.
There is only one exception
Teachers and educators with the highest and first categories, recruited from other regions to general secondary educational institutions with a low level of education, retain the established allowances (percentages) from the director's fund of the general education institution where they actually worked.
In this case, these allowances are retained for one academic year and are reviewed by the Working Group of general secondary educational institutions with a low level of education in the following academic year.
If a teacher is assigned a bonus by a working group of a general secondary educational institution with a low level of education and is transferring to another school, the bonus is not retained in this case.
That is, bonuses are retained for one academic year only in one case - when a teacher moves to a school with a low level of education.
Basis: Clause 24-1 of the Regulation on the Procedure for the Formation of the Director's Fund for Incentivizing Distinguished Employees of General Secondary Educational Institutions and the Use of its Funds.
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News on the topic

Will the results of the Al-Khwarizmi Olympiad affect the bonus?
Will the results of students from the recently held Al-Khwarizmi Science Olympiad be taken into account when awarding points to teachers for bonuses?

Should teachers pay for an extraordinary attestation for a 70% bonus?
There are several grounds for paying for an unscheduled spring attestation.

A 70% bonus will be awarded to teachers with the highest and first qualification categories who have scored 86 points.
Pedagogical staff who have received a qualification certificate based on international standards have been paid an additional payment of 70 percent of the current tariff rates.

When will the procedure for providing a 70% bonus be introduced?
No one can say for sure yet.
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