If pedagogues with 27 years of experience participate in the certification and do not get enough points, will their current category be kept?
00:25 / 27.01.2024
Hello. I am a first class teacher. I have 27 years of teaching experience, and 8 years until retirement. This year I was involved in compulsory certification. If I fail to pass the certification according to the new decision, will my category be preserved?
According to paragraph 6 of the regulation approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 572 of September 17, 2021, pedagogic employees with 25 years or more of work experience in pedagogical activities are not involved in compulsory attestation.
Pedagogical personnel who are not involved in mandatory attestation can pass extraordinary attestation at their own will.
According to paragraph 7 of the regulation, the qualification category (position) of the pedagogic personnel who participated in the extraordinary attestation at their own will and failed to pass the attestation will not be lowered, and they will be given the qualification category (position) that was in effect before participating in the extraordinary attestation. is paid according to
The bottom line is that you should participate in the attestation not necessarily, but according to your own will. If you participate in the certification and do not get enough points, your current category will be retained.
Important note: When applying the above rules in practice, the annual length of service of a pedagogue should be calculated in accordance with the law. For this, it is recommended that the school administration use the help of regional employment offices.
Also, if the pedagogue employee wants to take part in the extraordinary attestation, it is recommended to include the work record (in electronic or paper form) as an attachment.
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