Direktor o‘rinbosarlarini qog‘ozbozlikdan qutqarish kerakmi?

09:00 / 01.05.2024
Day and night, at the seminar organized for the deputy directors of spiritual and educational affairs, the deputy director of Surkhandarya said that most of the time of "spiritualists" is spent in paperwork, and asked the minister to asked for practical help.
When the minister asked the deputy directors who would approve this proposal, they all applauded and said that they would support the proposal.
So, is their offer reasonable?
"Job instructions for the deputy director of spiritual and educational affairs of the general secondary educational institution" approved by the order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education No. 190 of June 27, 2023 and the director of spiritual and educational affairs in "Job duties of employees of general secondary educational institutions (specialized institutions where certain subjects are studied in depth)" approved by the order of the Minister of Pre-school and School Education No. 565 of December 20, 2023 it is determined what kind of documents should be kept by the deputies.
What documents does the deputy director keep?
1. A collection of documents related to the annual work plan and execution
The work plan developed (approved) in accordance with the plan of higher organizations, 5 important initiatives and the general plan of the educational institution, relevant documents related to the implementation of activities in it.
2. A collection of documents on the prevention of lack of control and offenses among minors
Documents on working with the Interagency National Commission on Children's Issues, the internal affairs preventive accounting student volumes, the education developed (approved) in accordance with the plan of higher organizations in the direction of human trafficking, drug addiction, religious extremism and fanaticism, the fight against AIDS, traffic and fire safety. event plan of the institution, relevant documents related to the execution of the events in it.
3. A collection of documents on the activity of the Community Council of the "Family - neighborhood - educational institution" cooperation
Action plan of the educational institution developed (approved) in accordance with the cooperation plan of higher organizations, including the primary organization of working with women, relevant documents regarding the implementation of the activities therein.
4. A collection of documents on students' attendance and meaningful spending of free time
Information on attendance summarized by the deputy director and submitted to the district (city) pre-school and school education district department, the plan of activities for regularly and chronically truant students and children from disabled families, the implementation of the activities and the meaningful organization of students' free time, clubs documents on activities and holidays.
Most deputy directors keep only 4 documents. But it is difficult to count the number of work plans, reports and minutes of meetings in each direction. In addition, deputy directors are often required by internal affairs and prosecutor's offices to issue a report in the name of the employees of the agency who did not actually go to the school and hold a meeting.
As soon as any event is held at the school, the deputy director must deliver the report of the event to the regional pre-school and school education department, even if he postpones his work at the school.
Currently, there are cases of demanding documents from deputy directors of spiritual and educational affairs that are not part of their duties. For example, the fact that even today the deputy directors do not keep a "collection of documents on the implementation of State programs by the names of the years", the absence of a collection of documents in this direction in educational institutions is a serious drawback. is counted as.
However, the procedure for requesting reports or a collection of documents from the deputy directors for spiritual and educational affairs on the collective volume "Collection of documents on the implementation of State programs by the names of the years" will be officially announced in 2020. canceled.
True, deputy directors have become much more independent than before. Because, in the appointment of deputy directors for spiritual and educational affairs, district (city) spirituality and the practice of giving recommendations by the enlightenment center was completely canceled.
Also, the school director was given the right to hire and fire his deputies. This made it possible to appoint deputy directors without the interference of the district (city) preschool and school education department and the employees of the spiritual and enlightenment center.
But it is not a secret to anyone that until now in some regions district (city) spiritual and educational councils still demand reports from the deputy directors of spiritual and educational affairs and interfere with their activities.
There are also many managers who never get tired of asking for a schedule
The deputy director may buy a sample of documents that have become a good business of successful entrepreneurs and put the above work plan, report and documents on the throne.
But now they are greeted by tables, which are the modern look of reports
"Every day one schedule is invented. It is so complicated that it will be lunch time before you fill it in," says one of our observers. The deputy director fills out this table, until then a new one arrives, then sends these tables to the regional preschool and school education department, which collects the tables from all educational institutions and sends them to the regional office by the evening. The regional administration sends it to the ministry. This process is repeated every day, over and over again.
Work with different platforms
Nowadays, it is becoming a habit to include students in a certain platform in contests, competitions and other projects. For example, the deputy directors were instructed to simultaneously enter students into the adm.sport.uz platform and carry out evaluations.
"All educational institutions are now conducting online registration and assessment of their students for sports tests. It was optional for schools, not mandatory. But there is coercion," said one of the petitioners. There are many such platforms.
In general, the work of deputy directors is not easy. Working with a large school contingent, regularly dealing with students from different families, is very tiring for them. Therefore, the review and regulation of the work of deputy directors is one of the urgent issues of today.
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16:00 / 14.03.2025
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