Minister Hilola Umarova said how much money will be saved if documents in schools are digitized

As you know, every year, documents kept in educational institutions are transferred to electronic form. This process will be consistently continued, and starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, educational and pedagogical documents in schools will be fully transferred to electronic form.
In particular, the electronic scorecard will be automatically generated on the "" platform and parents will be able to download it from the system. This was reported earlier by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.
According to the Minister of Preschool and School Education, Hilola Umarova, as a result of fully translating documents into electronic form, excessive expenses will be saved.
- teachers and school administration will be provided with convenience and time savings (75 hours per teacher per year);
- in the process of school management, red tape will be eliminated, efficiency will be achieved, and transparency will be ensured;
- 223 tons of paper and logistics costs for delivery to the regions will be saved annually;
- 10.1 billion soums will be saved annually on public procurement.
"Adaptation to the demands of the times in any field, digitalization can be a solution to many problems and save a lot of money," says Hilola Umarova.
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