There will be an end to the recall of teaching staff from work leave

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There will be an end to the recall of teaching staff from work leave

15:20 / 27.05.2024 8.65k
The Ministry of Pre-school and School Education issued an instruction regarding the release of pedagogic employees on work leave.

There is a special instruction to put an end to the cases where the employee is recalled from the annual work leave without specific reasons and to prevent such cases in the future.

Also, the following instructions were given regarding the work leave of pedagogic employees:

  • providing employees with annual basic and additional vacations on a scheduled basis (on a regular basis) in proportion to the funds planned in the cost estimate, as well as issuing orders in the prescribed manner and making payments on time;

  • when calculating the total duration of work leave, ensure that the total length of the main and additional work leave does not exceed the established standards;

  • to calculate the length of service giving the right to receive a work vacation, its duration in proportion to the time worked, as well as to extend it or transfer it to another period based on the requirements of the current legislation;

  • take measures to provide annual leave to teachers in the first year of work with full duration of annual leave during the summer vacation and paid in proportion to the time worked, regardless of the time they started working rice

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Labor leave
