A teacher who accepted a $200 bribe was sentenced to imprisonment

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A teacher who accepted a $200 bribe was sentenced to imprisonment

09:40 / 07.06.2024 2.43k
A pedagogue working in one of the schools in Sergeli district was arrested when he gained the trust of another citizen and took a bribe of 200 US dollars from him. This was reported by "Millar" program.

It turned out that the incident happened in January 2024, when the teacher promised another citizen that he would be appointed to one of the high positions in the school where he works.
This happened for the first time in my career. I got involved in such things of my own free will. Such a situation has never happened before, it is the first and the last. "I am deeply sorry and I apologize to everyone," said the pedagogue who regretted his actions.
The Sergeli district court on criminal cases also deprived the teacher of the right to occupy positions related to leadership and financial responsibility in state educational institutions for a period of 1 year.

He was also sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years and 1 month.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Accountability
  • Corruption
