Teachers who want to work at the "Red" school must contact the director of the relevant school by July 25

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Teachers who want to work at the "Red" school must contact the director of the relevant school by July 25

13:15 / 04.07.2024 15.61k
Schools called "red schools" in the vernacular are educational institutions with low quality of education. Currently, there are 545 schools in the country with poor quality of education.

Teachers working at this school will be paid a stipend of 50 percent to 100 percent.

Teachers who want to go to schools with poor education in another region will need to register on the electronic platform and fill out the application form.

The continuous use of the electronic platform, financing, technical support and coordination of data updates will be carried out by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

Teachers-pedagogues wishing to work in a school with a low level of education:

  • have higher education in the relevant subject area;

  • have a first or higher qualification category in the subject in which he teaches;

  • have been engaged in pedagogical activities in another territory for at least one year;

  • The school in operation is not required to be included in the list of schools with a low level of education.

How long should teachers who want to work in this category of schools apply?

Teachers who want to teach in schools with a low level of education in other regions, choose one of the schools with a low level of education included in the electronic platform and apply directly to the director of the general education school from May 15 to July 25 for the specified free hours.

What documents do teachers submit to the director of a school with a low level of education?

  • application to the director, indicating the specialty, subject of instruction;

  • information with the address of permanent residence (name of the territory, district/city), phone number - the lens;

  • a copy of the certificate confirming the possession of the highest or first qualification category.

At the same time, teachers-pedagogues attracted from other regions will be paid an additional fee in the following amount:

  • 50 percent of the basic tariff rates of teachers working from other districts and cities within one region;

  • 100 percent special allowance to the basic tariff rates of teachers working from other regions.

Pedagogues involved in schools with poor quality of education from other regions will also be provided with monthly compensation in the amount of 2 times the basic calculation amount at the expense of official housing or district (city) local budgets for the period of their activity, but not more than 2 years.

If the teacher receives a bonus from the director's fund at the place of work where he actually works, these bonuses will be retained for one academic year even if he starts working in a school with poor quality of education.

Special allowances to the basic tariff rates of higher and first category teachers-pedagogues attracted from other regions are also paid for the academic year following the year in which the school in which they attended was removed from the list of schools with a low level of education.

If these schools are also included in the list of schools located in a remote area, pedagogical staff operating from other regions will be paid additional allowances in the amount of:

  • 6 months - 10% to a teacher with work experience of up to 3 years;

  • From 3 to 5 years - 20% to a teacher with work experience;

  • from 5 to 10 years - 30% to teachers with work experience;

  • from 10 to 15 years - 40% for teachers with work experience;

  • A teacher with more than 15 years of work experience will be paid a 50% bonus.

This is stated in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 471 of June 7, 2019 and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4940 of January 11, 2021.

Starting from January 1, 2021, teachers who come from other regions to work in budget organizations located in remote areas are paid a one-time initial allowance in the amount of 50 BCAs and a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2 BCAs for renting (renting) housing.

At the same time, information about schools with a low level of education is placed on a special platform. Teachers-pedagogues wishing to teach in schools with a low level of education will be selected by working groups in accordance with the established procedure.

Teachers-pedagogues who successfully pass the selection and submit an application for employment to schools with a low level of education by August 25 will be hired by school principals in the manner prescribed by law.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • School rating
  • Quality of education
