More than 60% of students study in Uzbekistan in 2 shifts

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More than 60% of students study in Uzbekistan in 2 shifts

13:04 / 21.07.2024 1.49k

Is the availability of 2-shift schools still the reason for the low quality of education in schools? This question is of interest to many, of course.

Yesterday, the head of the department of the Ministry of School and Preschool Education, Erkin Murodov, in an interview with Daryo correspondent, said that more than 60 percent of students study in 2 shifts in how many schools classes are held in 2 shifts.

"Today, 6.4 million children are enrolled in public schools. Of these, more than 60 percent study in 2 shifts. Currently, there are more than 5 million student places in schools. The difference is more than 1 million.

To reduce this gap, work is underway to build schools based on investment programs and create additional student places. For example, in 2023, construction and maintenance work was carried out in 582 schools, 172 thousand student places were created. This year, construction and repair work will be carried out in more than 520 schools, and it is planned to create 182 thousand additional student places.

Student places are also being created through the expansion of the network of non-state educational organizations. Four years ago, there were about 100 non-state schools in the republic. Now their number has exceeded 400. A network of schools has been established on the basis of public-private partnership. This will also help increase the number of additional student places.

The fact that classes are held in 2 shifts does not negatively affect the assimilation of children of state educational standards. The advantage of one-shift training is the opportunity to stay after classes and organize additional clubs. But now, even in 2-shift schools, the schedule of classes is organized in such a way that it is possible to attract children to clubs.

Today, the average number of students in the classrooms is 25. It is established that the number of students in one class cannot exceed 35 people. There are a total of 245,000 classes in public schools in the country.

Of these, only 2 thousand have more than 35 students. This situation occurs in the city of Tashkent and regional centers, in newly constructed residential buildings, that is, in schools in densely populated areas. The study of 35 students in the class does not apply to all subjects. We teach more than 10 subjects in two groups," the head of the ministry said.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Quality of education
