Does a teacher of pre-conscription elementary education, who has received a management certificate, also receive a 30% bonus?

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Does a teacher of pre-conscription elementary education, who has received a management certificate, also receive a 30% bonus?

14:24 / 11.07.2024 3.82k
In accordance with the Regulation "On the procedure for organizing pre-conscription primary training in educational institutions," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 591 dated November 8, 2023, the teacher of pre-conscription primary training has been equated by position to the deputy director of an educational institution.

Also, in the qualification descriptions of the main positions of employees of general secondary schools approved by the order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education No. 247 dated August 16, 2023, the teacher of the subject of pre-conscription primary training is listed as the deputy director for training young people in the spirit of patriotism.

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 681 dated December 25, 2023, starting from September 1, 2024, deputy school principals with a manager's certificate will be paid monthly additional allowances in the amount of 30 percent.

So, if a teacher of pre-conscription elementary education receives a certificate from management training courses, will they also receive a 30% bonus?

First of all, it should be noted that according to the Regulation "On the procedure for organizing pre-conscription primary training in educational institutions" approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 591 dated November 8, 2023, the teacher of pre-conscription primary training is equal to the deputy director of an educational institution in terms of the position, but if the number of teachers of this subject in an educational institution is two, they are considered to be the deputy director for the position of a teacher of pre-conscription primary training with more work experience.

Therefore, we believe that deputy directors for training young people in the spirit of patriotism, who have studied at management training courses and received a certificate, will be paid a 30% bonus.

It should be recalled that negotiations were also held with the responsible employees of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, and the ministry also confirmed that the deputy director for training young people in the spirit of patriotism, who have a manager's certificate, will be paid a 30% bonus.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • manager
  • Military training teacher
