Is it necessary to get a conclusion from the legal center on the order to assign a bonus to teachers?

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Is it necessary to get a conclusion from the legal center on the order to assign a bonus to teachers?

19:30 / 14.07.2024 3.47k
I work at the school as the deputy director of educational affairs. I ordered the documents for the annual allowance for teachers and submitted them to the staff of the legal center to receive a conclusion through the "e-huquqshnos" database with the conclusion of the school working group. Now the employees of the legal center are demanding to bring the original of the additional documents. However, this was not the case in previous academic years. How true is their claim?

It is known that by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 29, 2021 No. RP-5168, in order to help eliminate corruption factors in the drafts of documents adopted by state bodies and organizations, the activities of Legal Services Centers have been established.

According to this decision, it is not allowed to accept documents of a legal nature without agreement with the Centers by organizations for which legal services are provided by the Centers.

According to paragraph 6 of the decision, documents signed without agreement with the Centers providing legal services do not have legal force and do not have any legal consequences from the moment of their adoption.

According to paragraph 14 of the Regulation "On Legal Services Centers," drafts of orders, orders, contracts and other documents of a legal nature submitted to the management of organizations providing legal services are subject to legal examination for their compliance with the legislation, and if there are no objections and proposals, they are subject to approval.

The employees of the Center are responsible for compliance with the legislation of the documents they have signed and the legal conclusions they have given.

Therefore, the order on the assignment of allowances to teachers is also required to be approved by the Center.

If in the process of consideration of the draft order of the relevant institution there is a need to see other necessary documents, the head of the institution must submit the necessary documents to the Center.

This is because, according to paragraph 16 of the Regulation "On Legal Services Centers," the Center has the right to receive documents and information and other necessary materials from organizations providing legal services, as well as from its officials, necessary for the performance of the functions assigned to the Centers.

In conclusion, we inform you that the Legal Services Centers have the right to study other supplementary documents in order to give an opinion on orders on the assignment of allowances to pedagogical staff.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


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