Is it possible to assign a bonus to the chairman of the school women's committee?

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Is it possible to assign a bonus to the chairman of the school women's committee?

09:50 / 16.07.2024 3.49k
I am the chairman of the women's primary organization at the school. (Order issued). According to the order of the Minister of Public Education No. 174 dated May 31, 2022, a meeting of the school's pedagogical council was held, a bonus was determined, and a positive response was received from the justice. But it is said that it will not be given by the "rayono" accountant. I would like to ask for advice on this matter.

In fact, by order of the Minister of Public Education No. 174 dated May 31, 2022, it is envisaged to establish the activities of primary organizations of the State Committee for Family and Women in general education institutions.

Mazkur buyruqning 2-bandi, 3-xatboshida boshlanğich tashkilot raisini o'rnatilgan tartibda ish haqiga qo'shimcha ustama belgilash orqali moddiy rag'batlantirib borish belgilangan.

However, there is no complete explanation regarding the sources of incentives for the chairman of the primary organization.

The appointment of additional allowances to employees of a general education institution at the expense of the director's fund is regulated by the regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 30, 2019 No. 823.

The evaluation criteria established by this regulation do not provide for the establishment of special benefits or allowances for the chairmen of the women's primary organization of a general education institution.

Therefore, it is impossible to stimulate the chairman of a women's primary organization at the expense of the director's fund.

But it can be stimulated through the school's extra-budgetary savings. The use of the Fund's funds is regulated by the Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 27, 2021 No. 243.

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Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

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