How many points do you need from the international GRE certificate to get a bonus?

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How many points do you need from the international GRE certificate to get a bonus?

23:10 / 21.07.2024 3.80k


International certificate in mathematics from GRE, I received 159 points from the exam on May 31, will I be entitled to a bonus with this point? I'd like to know what the GRE certificate accurate pass score is today.


According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2022 No. DP-134, starting from September 1, 2022, a system has been established for paying a monthly additional allowance in the amount of 50% of their tariff rate to teachers with an internationally recognized certificate.

Also, by the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 4-q/q dated April 4, 2024 and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education No. 3-mh dated April 2, 2024, the list of national and internationally recognized certificates that determine the level of knowledge of foreign languages and general education subjects was approved.

Chapter 4, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this joint resolution establish the minimum level of certificates for obtaining a bonus.

According to it, the minimum level of the international GRE certificate should be 160 points to be eligible for a 50% bonus. That is, 159 points cannot be the basis for obtaining a bonus.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • surcharge
  • International certificate
