485 candidates who studied in the management course did not receive a certificate

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485 candidates who studied in the management course did not receive a certificate

12:45 / 25.07.2024 4.55k

As you know, from February 1 of this year, management training courses for candidates for directors of general education schools were launched.

During the training courses, candidates are trained on the basis of a number of modules on educational management, development of the educational institution, work with the public and parents.

According to the established procedure, current directors or candidates for directors will have to study one-month management training courses introduced at the Abdulla Avloni National Research Institute and receive a management certificate.

Candidates who successfully complete these 144-hour training courses will also need to pass the final exams to obtain a certificate. In this case, 50 points are awarded for test assignments, 10 points for case assignments, and 40 points for practical assignments (total 100 points).

According to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, 1319 candidates for directors have been trained in the management training course so far, and 834 of them have received certificates.

485 candidates who studied in the management course did not receive a certificate. The share of candidates who did not receive a management certificate is 36.8 percent.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • manager
