The school principal who falsified student attendance has been fired.

The school principal became the head of the Tashkent City Department of Preschool and School Education.

Daycare services will be established for children with disabilities.
Your questions

If the teacher's workplace changes, will the school allowance remain?
There is only one exception

Does a preschool and school education department employee have the right to check additional documents?
They are not entitled to check the documents on the markup.

Qanday tadbirlar o‘qituvchilarga ustama tayinlashga asos bo‘ladi?
2025-2026-o‘quv yili uchun tadbirlar ro‘yxati

Does the teacher's hours of lessons with more than one rate need to be listed as vacant?
A request will be sent to the relevant ministries on this issue

Will another subject teacher be paid a bonus if they receive a certificate in English?
In this case, the teacher must have a certificate on the subject he teaches

Will the salary of the teacher who went to the advanced training be kept?
In this case, the average salary of the employee must be preserved

Will the results of the competition of the "Turon" school theater not be taken into account when assigning points to the bonus?
Canceling these points is illegal

What foods are prohibited from being prepared and sold in school kitchens?
Educational institutions have a list of foods and meals that are not allowed
Foreign education

More than a million children in India do not go to school
However, the overall attendance rate in Indian schools was 99.59%

Children under 16 will no longer be able to use social media - Australia
Australian government passes new law

Schools in Kyrgyzstan may be prohibited from using phones
The Ministry of Education is putting forward this proposal

Children of migrants who do not speak Russian may be banned from studying in Russian schools
The document was published on the website of the lower house of the Russian parliament

Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan punished for purchasing low-quality laptops for teachers
This was reported by the press service of the President of Kyrgyzstan

Did you know there was a school on the continent of Antarctica?
Many people think of it as an uninhabitable place

In Russia, teachers' bonuses are directed to military expenses
This amount can range from 10 to 40 thousand rubles

New virus spreads in kindergartens and schools in Russia
Children initially developed ulcers in their mouths

Is our scale for measuring student knowledge broken or good?
A new evaluation system based on criteria was discussed

Do we need the National Guard?"

Для чего нужна аттестация?

Interview with Rasul Kusherbayev

How much of the allowance do teachers use?

Great teacher survey

Is a paper magazine better or

How much do teachers get - what do people think?
Scientific analysis

What is the importance of improving the system of issuing a certificate of management to school principals?
This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the management certificate requirement

How important is the role of parents in children's quality education?
This article discusses the role of parents and their influence on children's access to quality education

The new evaluation system cannot be canceled...
This article discusses the new evaluation system