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Your questions

How many points do you need from the international GRE certificate to get a bonus? Вы спрашивали

How many points do you need from the international GRE certificate to get a bonus?

The minimum level of certificates for obtaining a bonus for an international certificate is established.

23:10 / 21.07.2024
How many hours can a basic doctoral student teach at school? Вы спрашивали

How many hours can a basic doctoral student teach at school?

Normative documents do not provide for employees studying in basic doctoral studies.

22:22 / 21.07.2024
Can a female teacher with children under three years of age work without obtaining a professional certificate? Вы спрашивали

Can a female teacher with children under three years of age work without obtaining a professional certificate?

This contradicts the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 87.

13:04 / 20.07.2024
Can a teacher of a specialized school work in another school on a part-time basis? Вы спрашивали

Can a teacher of a specialized school work in another school on a part-time basis?

In order to work on a part-time basis, the teacher does not need to take leave from the main place of work at his own expense.

14:28 / 19.07.2024
Will teachers returning from a decree leave be given only pre-vacation hours? Вы спрашивали

Will teachers returning from a decree leave be given only pre-vacation hours?

There is no rule that teachers who have returned from a decree leave are given only hours of lessons before the leave.

15:30 / 18.07.2024
Is it possible to assign a bonus to the chairman of the school women's committee? Вы спрашивали

Is it possible to assign a bonus to the chairman of the school women's committee?

There is no complete explanation of the sources of incentives for the chairman of the primary organization.

09:50 / 16.07.2024
Can a husband and wife work as deputy principals at a school? Вы спрашивали

Can a husband and wife work as deputy principals at a school?

This is provided for in Article 121 of the Labor Code.

16:40 / 15.07.2024
Is it necessary to get a conclusion from the legal center on the order to assign a bonus to teachers? Вы спрашивали

Is it necessary to get a conclusion from the legal center on the order to assign a bonus to teachers?

Documents signed without agreement with legal centers shall not have legal force

19:30 / 14.07.2024