Is it correct that preschool and school education department employees determine the time of school breaks?

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Is it correct that preschool and school education department employees determine the time of school breaks?

10:43 / 13.01.2025 3.59k


In our school, the time between classes is set at 10 minutes, and the long break is 30 minutes. Large breaks are usually given after 4 hours.

However, the MMTB employee has been checking our school for a week and is pressuring us saying that you have committed an illegal act, in fact, small breaks should not exceed 5 minutes, and a large break should be 15 minutes. Is his behavior legitimate?


First of all, an employee of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education who wants to inspect an educational institution must submit to the school administration the supporting documents for the inspection, that is, the official certificate and the documents that will be the basis for conducting the inspection.

The management of the school has the right not to allow an inspection in the educational institution, if the staff of the educational institution does not have documents that are the basis for conducting an inspection.

Also, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 26, 2023, No. UP-79, from September 1, 2023, the powers of territorial departments of preschool and school education to check the activities of schools and assess the quality of education are terminated.

Regarding the issue of breaks, this procedure is regulated by the Regulation "On General Secondary Education," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 of March 15, 2017.

According to this, the duration of the break between lessons can be set at 5-10 minutes, and the duration of the break between the academic day (large break) can be set at 15-30 minutes.

That is, the school administration, based on its internal capabilities, has the right to determine the duration of breaks as 10 minutes, and large breaks as 30 minutes.

If necessary, by decision of the pedagogical council, based on the requirements of the aforementioned regulation, the school administration may further change the duration of breaks.

In conclusion, it should be noted that unjustified interference by an employee of an educational institution in the educational process is contrary to the law.

It should be recalled that Article 197-5 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility establishes liability for illegal interference in the professional activities of a teacher's employee, expressed in the correct and impartial assessment of the knowledge of students, or obstruction of the performance of official duties of a teacher's employee of an educational organization.

Citizens who have committed these acts shall be fined from seven to ten, and officials - from ten to fifteen basic calculation units.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • lesson process
