Is it correct to draw up a round-year work plan in advance?

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Is it correct to draw up a round-year work plan in advance?

23:17 / 26.01.2024 2.90k
We have been given samples of the club's documents. This model document also contains a circular annual work plan. In this work plan, which topics we will cover have been determined in advance. After all, aren't the topics that are difficult or easy for students to master be determined during the course of the lesson?

Science clubs are included in the teacher's pedagogical workload, and the organization of clubs is a methodical support and organizational-pedagogical process of the educational process.

In the job duties of science teachers, it is noted that pedagogues should organize group classes in their subject in order to work with gifted and struggling students in order to develop their abilities and talents. done

It is mandatory to pass the circle training by science teachers. In this case, it is appropriate to conduct additional classes with gifted and struggling students.

To answer the main question, there is no document regulating the activity of clubs in schools. That is the main problem. That is, there is no clear answer to the question of how to work with gifted or lazy mastering students, how to keep circle documents and what it includes.

As a simple recommendation, we believe that the work plan for dealing with gifted and idle students should be formed during the course of the lesson.

Because, during the course of the lesson, it will be known which subject the student has mastered completely or difficult. There is no way to analyze it in advance. Therefore, we believe that it is a bad practice to draw up a circular work plan in advance.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Teacher
  • circle
  • education
  • lesson process
  • pedagogical load
