Is it possible to open a paid club in the school gym?

14:00 / 05.03.2024
I am a school director. Recently, a sports trainer living in our neighborhood came and asked if we could open a paid boxing club in the school gym. Frankly, I did not know the procedure. If we open a paid club in the school gym, wouldn't we be committing a crime?
It is possible to open paid sports clubs in the sports facilities of educational institutions. This is regulated by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 2, 2019 "On measures to establish paid sports clubs in sports facilities of state educational institutions".
In accordance with the Regulation approved by this decision, physical education-healthcare and sports services provided by trainers to the population, including students, in sports facilities during free time from physical education hours are performed on a paid basis.
Payments for the provision of paid services in sports facilities are made monthly no later than the 10th of the next month on the basis of an agreement concluded with the head of the educational institution.
20% of the amount paid for the provision of paid services by each trainer in sports facilities is allocated to the expenses of utility bills of the sports facilities used by the educational institution, and the rest of the funds in the following order distributed:
50 percent will be directed to strengthening the material and technical base of the sports facility;
50 percent is paid to the trainer as a financial incentive in the prescribed manner.
In the event that two or more trainers provide paid services at sports facilities at the same time, the amount of utility bills of sports facilities is distributed equally to each trainer.
The receipt of payments for the paid service provided by each trainer and separate accounting for the payments made to them is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the accounting department of the relevant educational institution.
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