Can parents watch the teacher's lesson in the camera?

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Can parents watch the teacher's lesson in the camera?

00:48 / 20.12.2024 3.10k


The school wants to install a video camera so that parents can monitor the lesson taking place in the classroom?

What's the procedure? What do educational documents say about this? How correct would it be if this was decided by the parents' meeting of the class?


According to the "Improved Model Rules of Conduct of a General Secondary Education Institution," approved by the order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education No. 282 of August 31, 2023, the parents or other legal representatives of the student cannot interfere in the educational process in the educational institution.

Parents install cameras in classrooms and monitor the learning process, which is also considered an intervention in the learning process. These actions also do not comply with other norms provided for by law.

The installation of surveillance cameras in state educational institutions is carried out within the framework of the "Safe School" project. At the same time, we can witness the installation of surveillance cameras in classrooms.

That is, within the framework of the "Safe School" project, surveillance cameras can also be installed in the classroom, but the footage captured by the camera should not be presented to the public.

In other words, contrary to the wishes of the teaching staff, we believe that the lesson process being conducted by them cannot be recorded on video and given to third parties without their permission.

According to Article 197-5 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, unlawful interference in the professional activities of a pedagogical employee of an educational organization, expressed in influencing the correct and impartial assessment of the knowledge of students, or obstruction of the performance of official duties of a pedagogical employee of an educational organization, - entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from seven to ten, and on officials - from ten to fifteen basic calculation units.

If the same offenses are committed repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative penalty, - citizens are subject to a fine of from ten to fifteen, and officials - from fifteen to twenty basic calculation units or administrative arrest up to fifteen days.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • lesson process
  • Tracking camera
