Teacher who raped children sentenced to 4 years in prison

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Teacher who raped children sentenced to 4 years in prison

11:20 / 17.07.2024 2.44k

Earlier, a 13-year-old boy was found in Samarqand with chains on his legs. Later, it turned out that this type of violence against the child was committed by a school teacher.

According to information, the student, born in 2011, studied in the 6th grade of the "Shield-Courage Military Sports School" of the Pakhtachi district. His guardians and the school teacher called Sh.Kh and asked him to take the child to the "Center for Social and Legal Assistance to Minors" of the Samarkand region due to the severity of his behavior.

On March 15, 2024, a school teacher, Sh.Kh., was found to have illegally tied his legs with an iron chain in the back seat of the car, alleging that he would not get out of the car and run away.

In connection with this situation, a criminal case was initiated under Article 138 of the Criminal Code (Illegal deprivation of liberty using force). Now the case has been heard in court.

According to the court verdict, the man who chained the child was sentenced to 4 years in prison. He was ordered to serve his sentence in the colony of destination.

In the court, the student and his guardians requested a mitigation of the punishment imposed on the teacher, as well as the teacher expressed regret for this action and asked for a lighter punishment other than imprisonment.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Violence
  • Accountability
