How many hours can a basic doctoral student teach at school?

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How many hours can a basic doctoral student teach at school?

22:22 / 21.07.2024 3.95k

The distribution of classroom hours in general secondary educational institutions is regulated by the Regulation "On the procedure for compiling classes and forming tariff lists in general educational institutions." (registered by the Ministry of Justice, registration number 3271)

It is distributed on the basis of the priority sequence specified in paragraph 15 of the Regulation. This clause does not cover employees studying in basic doctoral studies.

If the applicant is a candidate of science, doctor of philosophy (PhD) or doctor of science (DSc) and a senior researcher, associate professor and an employee with the scientific title awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission, he is considered a teacher with the highest qualification category and can receive a maximum of 8 hours of classes as an indicator of the 8th level established by the regulation.

If an employee studying in basic doctoral studies has not completed the master's degree for 5 years, then he is considered a teacher with the second qualification category and can receive a class hour as an indicator of the 11th level established by the regulation.

It should be recalled that it is important to know the indicators of other teachers in the educational institution when assigning lessons to teachers.

Therefore, in any case, the hours of classes should be allocated according to the priority sequence established in paragraph 15 of the Regulation "On the procedure for compiling classes and forming tariff lists in general education institutions."

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Lesson distribution
