Which teachers retain their qualification category for life?

As you know, the procedure for certification of teachers was improved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 130 of February 28, 2025.
The decree abolishes the procedure for granting a lifetime qualification category to pedagogical workers, and from September 1, 2025, all teachers will be involved in certification tests every 5 years.
At the same time, the following teachers who were not involved in the next mandatory certification before September 1, 2025, as well as those whose certification period has expired and the current qualification category has been retained, are not subject to mandatory certification and continue to be paid for according to the current qualification category (position):
- retained this category (position) for 15 years after receiving the highest qualification category (position of chief teacher) and had continuous work experience;
- with 25 years or more of work experience in pedagogical activity;
- no more than 5 years remain until retirement;
- teachers of retirement age engaged in pedagogical activity;
Teachers who meet one of the following requirements are directly assigned a qualification category (position):
- to teachers with 25 years or more of work experience in pedagogical activity - their current qualification category (position);
- for teachers who have not more than 5 years remaining for retirement - their current qualification category (position);
- to teachers who have retained this category (position) for 15 years after receiving the highest qualification category (position of chief teacher) and have continuous work experience - the highest qualification category (position of chief teacher).
That is, teachers who fully meet the above criteria must have met these requirements by September 1, 2025.
Teachers who do not meet the above criteria will have to undergo mandatory certification every 5 years after receiving a higher qualification category, maintaining this category for 15 years, having continuous work experience, reaching retirement age, and in other cases.
As is known, according to Article 41 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Normative Legal Acts," normative legal acts do not have retroactive effect and apply to social relations arising after their entry into force.
Therefore, pedagogical workers who are not subject to certification until September 1, 2025, will not be subject to mandatory certification even after September 1.
For more information on the topic, you can watch the next episode of the podcast "Tanaffus."
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The director who collected money from teachers for "OpenBudget" has been fired

Minister Hilola Umarova switched to using a Malibu.

A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

“Orzudagi maktab” loyihasi o‘tkaziladi
News on the topic

Now psychologists can also receive a qualification category
Until now, they had not been involved in the certification

In what case does the category of a teacher with 15 years of work experience remain lifelong?
In what case does the category of a teacher with 15 years of work experience remain lifelong?

If a teacher fails to pass an extraordinary certification, will the current category be lowered?
Educators can undergo an extraordinary certification at their discretion

What instructions did the Prime Minister give regarding the issue of high-class teachers with 15 years of work experience?
The content of the document is being interpreted differently.
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