Do you know Minister Khilola Umarova closely?

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Do you know Minister Khilola Umarova closely?

20:00 / 13.04.2024 13.90k
On December 30, 2023, Umarova Khilola Uktamovna (former), working as the director of the Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions, was appointed as the Minister of Public Education. Today, we gathered some information about Khilola Umarova and found it necessary to share it with our followers.

Briefly about Khilola Umarova's work 

Khilola Umarova was born on August 9, 1988 in Weimer, Germany. His nationality is Uzbek. He graduated from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy with a bachelor's degree in 2010, and a master's degree in 2013. He knows Uzbek, Russian and English perfectly. Although his specialty is foreign economic activity, he is no stranger to the field of pedagogy.

In particular, he taught at a school specialized in in-depth teaching of information and communication technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, and later worked as a director in this school. He also taught at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, where he studied.

He started his initial career in 2014 as a category 1 specialist of the document maintenance and control group of Inha University in Tashkent. He spent most of his career, i.e. 6 years, at Inha University, where he worked as a leading expert, deputy head of the international cooperation department, head of the international cooperation department, general manager and vice-rector. He is a researcher at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

For some time, Khilola Umarova was the coordinator of the "Technovation Girls" project, which organizes educational competitions for girls' teams, and mentored several projects of the "Technovation Uzbekistan" program.

How was Umarova's youth?

He was born in a town in Germany due to his parents' profession and attended kindergarten and primary school. Umarova moved to Tashkent with her family when she was seven years old. Since he does not speak Uzbek well, he faces a lot of difficulties in participating in school activities. On the contrary, knowing the Uzbek language at this level was not enough for him to study well at school, as his strict, military father demanded of him. Umarova studied at the 241st general education school in Tashkent, with the help of her grandmother, besides, she managed to learn the Uzbek language completely from street children.

Because of his strictness, Umarova's father arranges her time daily and even hourly. "Even when we were in high school, if we wanted to go somewhere with our friends, we would hope and ask permission from my mother. We couldn't treat my father like a man. "After I got married and had a child, I could easily talk to my father and tell him what I was thinking and worried about," he said in an interview with the "" project.

Umarova's family wanted her to be knowledgeable and educated and created all conditions for her. The events did not take place without Umarova, who sometimes acted as a dancer, sometimes as an entertainer, and sometimes as a host. He was also active in the Olympics.

Umarova, who studied at university with 60 other boys, became a "leader"

He aimed to become a diplomat during the 8th grade. But his obstetrician-gynecologist mother wanted him to become a doctor. He believed in himself and wanted to convince others. Then he explains that he will apply to the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, which was extremely difficult to get into at that time, and if he can't get in, he will do what his family tells him.

On August 16, 2010, when the results of the "mandate" are released, the applicant Umarova will find her special code in the list of those enrolled! But he will be forced to study as the only representative of the fairer sex among 60 young men in that year's course at the "International Economic Relations" faculty. In addition, he acts as a "leader" in the group.

"I realized that the direction closest to my heart is education, pedagogy" - Khilola Umarova

Umarova got married when she was a fourth-year student. She wants to work in the system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but she will have a child in her graduation year, so she will be limited to an internship at her university. Later, he entered the master's degree and started teaching at this university.

Before working with students, she teaches German at a school. "Children's eyes sparkle and look at you for knowledge... Their interest gave me such pleasant feelings that no matter what position I work in, I will miss those moments and cherish them from the bottom of my heart. That's when I realized that the direction closest to my heart is education, enlightenment, pedagogy," says Umarova.

In 2014, he was hired as a 2nd-class specialist at the newly established Inha University in cooperation with Korea. After several promotions, he becomes the vice chancellor of the university where he works. Umarova, who started her doctoral studies at Inha in Korea, is postponing her research after being appointed both as a vice-rector and as the director of Al-Khorazmi specialized IT school, which was established for the first time in Uzbekistan.

In 2020, the (former) President will be appointed as the Director of the Agency for the Development of Creativity and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers. It is interesting that while Khilola Umarova works as the director of the agency, her daughter cannot enter the Presidential School. Then he tells his daughter, "You should study well and try on your own."

Khilola Umarova will be appointed as the Minister of Pre-school and School Education on December 30, 2022. After he was appointed as a minister, 5 months later, he will make a presentation to the President on the reform of education. Umarova has made a total of 3 presentations on education reform to the President.

One year of the minister's career

After Umarova was appointed to the post of minister, she managed to implement a number of works on the reform of the school education system. In particular, in 2023, a total of 20 legislative documents on the activities of the preschool and school education system were adopted.

During Umarova's one-year career, the following activities were carried out:

  • Starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, certificates of school graduates will be issued in electronic form based on the distance or "one-stop shop" principle;
  • From February 2023, the minister's platform (, which works directly with teachers' appeals, was launched;
  • The subject "Informatics and information technologies" was introduced for 1st grade students;
  • It was determined that the appointment of school principals will be carried out on the basis of an open competition based on the recommendation of the "Council of Directors", which is directly accountable to the Ministry;
  • The school director was given the right to hire and fire his deputies;
  • Applicants who want to work as a school director are required to study management training courses and obtain a management certificate;
  • Executives who have received a management certificate will be paid an additional bonus;
  • The procedure for submitting reports to the Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment of schools has been canceled;
  • The practice of making recommendations by the district (city) center of spirituality and enlightenment for the appointment of deputy directors for spiritual and educational affairs was canceled;
  • The procedure for issuing referrals by regional departments of the competent state body in the field of sports and methodists of sports schools in the recruitment of physical education teachers has also been canceled;
  • The authority of the regional pre-school and school education departments to inspect the activities of schools and assess the quality of education has been terminated;
  • Applicants with higher education, who will be employed for the first time in pedagogical professions, will work as intern-teachers;
  • Professional certification of teachers being recruited to the school for the first time was introduced;
  • Based on international standards, pedagogic personnel who have received a qualification certificate will be paid an additional fee of 70 percent compared to the current rates;
  • Summative evaluation system was determined to be implemented in all schools step by step;
  • The practice of teaching students 2 foreign languages and one profession was established;
  • In order to further improve the teaching of foreign languages, specialists who are "Language Owners" from abroad were attracted to the schools;
  • A new procedure for assigning a qualification category to teachers was introduced;
  • A system of differentiated training of teachers was introduced;
  • Based on the results of PISA 2022, it was decided to prepare "Roadmaps";
  • The average score of school graduates at the entrance to OTM was 77.1 points (2022 - 76.3), of which 77 percent (2022 - 70) of state grant places were taken by graduates of this year;
  • In 500 schools, the evaluation system of the President's schools was introduced, and in 135 schools, elective subjects were introduced. The number of schools included in the "Red" category decreased by 404 from 1,526;
  • Uzbekistan won the right to host the most prestigious International Chemistry and International Informatics Olympiads in 2026;
  • 30 school principals were trained at the University of Portsmouth, UK;
  • It was decided to conduct PISA and TALIS studies in 210 educational institutions of the republic in 83 educational institutions of the ministry system.
This is the information we know about Khilola Umarova so far.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Khilola Umarova
