Which organization should get permission to take students on a trip?

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Which organization should get permission to take students on a trip?

17:00 / 18.03.2024 4.32k
Annex 2 to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 482 dated November 4, 2003 specifies "Requirements for ensuring the safety of passenger transportation in the Republic of Uzbekistan."

According to Clause 40, Paragraph 2 of this instruction, the administration of the educational institution to organize excursions, tourist-excursion trips for children, general education schools and students of secondary special educational institutions indicating the date of departure, the route and the number of departures, he should apply to the district (city) pre-school and school education department, respectively.

In this case, decisions on the departure of excursion, tourist and other groups of students of educational institutions are made, as a rule, no later than 3 days before the departure date.

The administration (organizer) of the educational institution may enter into a contract with the carrier after obtaining the permission of the district (city) preschool and school education department for departure.

The administration of the educational institution shall, no later than three working days before the date of departure after the conclusion of the contract with the carrier, provide the date of departure and the route, as well as the list of all passengers, information about the buses and submits the order form to the Road Traffic Safety State Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After that, excursions or tourist trips can be organized by the State Service of Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with special staff allocated to accompany children.

In order to take children on a trip, it is necessary to perform a number of actions. Arbitrarily taking schoolchildren on excursions or tourist trips can be a reason for liability. Therefore, it is necessary to be very vigilant in this matter.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Car accident
  • Legal literacy
