65 students died in accidents in 5 months

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65 students died in accidents in 5 months

22:30 / 26.06.2024 1.50k
In the first 5 months, 359 students were involved in traffic accidents, 65 students were killed, and 294 students were injured in various degrees.

On June 25, at a meeting of the Senate Committee on Defense and Security, the responsible heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Chamber of Accounts were informed about the work being done to ensure road safety and reduce the number of deaths.

It is noted that 9,548 secondary schools are located in areas with high traffic, and there are no pedestrian paths in front of most schools, and no appropriate traffic lights are installed. As a result, a total of 359 students were involved in traffic accidents during the 5 months of this year, 65 students were killed, and 294 students were injured in various degrees.

In 2023, there were 1,794 traffic accidents involving children, in which 1,568 children were injured and 263 children died. It was noted that the share of road traffic accidents related to death is still high in Samarkand, Tashkent (80), Fergana (69), Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya (53) regions.

It is noted that after the discussion, a decision of the Committee on Defense and Security Issues was adopted, which reflects specific proposals aimed at eliminating these shortcomings.

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Author of the article

Umirov Muzaffar

Umirov Muzaffar



  • Car accident
