"Honesty" clubs will be launched in schools

18:50 / 22.02.2024
At a briefing held today at the Information and Mass Communications Agency, the head of the information service of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Sherzod Saparov, gave information about the work being carried out within the framework of international cooperation in the fight against corruption.
According to Sherzod Saparov, a number of works have been carried out to educate the young generation vaccinated with the "honesty vaccine" from childhood, and in this regard, the global resource of UN anti-corruption education and youth empowerment - the GRACE program has been widely implemented in Uzbekistan.
In particular, the 2024-2027 "Roadmap" for the introduction of the GRACE program in Uzbekistan was approved. According to this "Road Map", the 10-day "Student Youth Supporter of Honesty" will be held in educational institutions, and "Honesty" circles will be systematically launched in schools.
Also, within the framework of "Days of Prevention" and "Class Hours" in schools, promotional activities are organized on the topics of "Values of Honesty", "Truthfulness, diligence is the basis of a peaceful life".
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16:00 / 14.03.2025
The car created by the teacher was financed by the ministry for 63 million soums.

23:22 / 13.03.2025
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12:50 / 13.03.2025
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17:27 / 12.03.2025
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