Minister Hilola Umarova presented her plans for 2025 to the President

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Minister Hilola Umarova presented her plans for 2025 to the President

18:21 / 24.12.2024 6.42k
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was informed about the priority tasks to be implemented in the system of preschool and school education in 2025. This is the 6th presentation since Hilola Umarova was appointed Minister.

At the presentation, it was noted that the number of kindergartens has increased eightfold to 38,000 and the coverage has increased from 27% to 76%, over the past seven years, construction and repair work has been carried out in more than 5,000 schools, this year in 608 schools, the second foreign language and vocational training of young people has been expanded, and inclusive education has been established in 530 schools for the first time.

Minister of Preschool and School Education Hilola Umarova provided information on the next plans

It was noted that in the next academic year, more than 100 schools will be created and 257,000 student places will be created. The state educational program will be brought into line with international standards.

The number of second language schools will be increased to 420, vocational schools - to 400.

The world's best practices and new methods are being implemented. In particular, this year, a new assessment system has been introduced in 1,500 general education schools. Based on the analysis of the results, this experiment will be further expanded.

When assigning qualification categories to teachers, they have also switched to a digitized system. From now on, teachers who have raised their category will be encouraged, they will be given a bonus of up to 70% depending on the scores they have earned.

From next year, educational processes in regional training centers will be changed. In this case, a differentiated system of professional development will be introduced based on the needs of each teacher.

Those who have not passed the qualification test will be further trained according to a separate program. Five centers of pedagogical skills in the regions will begin their work in modern conditions. All centers will be equipped with situational learning equipment and a virtual laboratory.

In order to attract qualified managers to educational organizations and support their activities, it was proposed to provide material incentives to the directors of schools and kindergartens and their deputies at the expense of additional sources.

Education and upbringing are carried out in close connection. In accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan of November 15 this year, attention has been paid to the system of initial pre-conscription training of students.

Military-patriotic lessons in senior grades were increased by one hour. To enhance the prestige of teachers in this field, a procedure for awarding them military ranks has been established.

New textbooks on this subject will be developed by the next academic year, teachers with high professional potential will be involved. Together with the Ministry of Defense, "Courage Schools" will be established in 208 educational institutions. These schools will also include students with difficult upbringing.

On September 30 this year, another important document on the sphere - a Presidential Decree on further improving the quality and effectiveness of preschool education was adopted. According to it, from 2025, the position of deputy director of a preschool educational organization will be introduced. Forms of professional development such as "Hour of Methodical Mastery" and "Day of Methodical Mastery" will be organized.

Next year, 162 preschool institutions will be built, 100 private and a thousand family kindergartens will be opened. This will increase the coverage of preschool education to 78 percent. The continuity of primary school curricula with pre-school groups will be increased.

At the end of the presentation, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave instructions on developing the sphere in all regions, improving the quality of general education, paying special attention to remote areas.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • president
  • Khilola Umarova
