"People's Education Info" started working as a mass media

15:00 / 17.02.2024
Starting today, you can follow us through the website xalqtaliminfo.uz The site is one of the online publications specializing in education in Uzbekistan. It mainly provides fast, accurate and impartial information about the most important events taking place in Uzbekistan and world education.
Also, the site aims to provide analytical articles on the education system and answers to problematic questions. The site has a page on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram messenger.
The site was registered as a media outlet on October 16, 2023 by the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The founder of the project is "Media Maorif" LLC.
The site works in cooperation with state and public organizations operating in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the law.
Terms of use of site materials
According to the existing legislation, the editors of the khoktaliminfo.uz site do not take responsibility for the validity of the information published on the site, copied based on the rules (provided that the source is indicated).
Regarding the article published on the site, the opinion of its author and the site editors may not be the same. It is allowed to copy, distribute and use in other forms the materials published on the website of khoktaliminfo.uz if there is a hyperlink to the website of xalqtaliminfo.uz
When using materials, it is requested to provide the name of the site (author) in the area up to the first or third line of the given material. For example, "This was reported by the xalqtaliminfo.uz site."
About the founder of the project
The "Public Education Info" project was founded in 2018 by Ulugbek Polatov. Ulugbek Polatov's specialty is pedagogue. He completed the master's degree in "Educational Management". During his career, he worked as a teacher, youth leader, deputy director at a state comprehensive school, and as a deputy director for educational affairs at the non-state educational institution "Lawyer and Personnel" in Tashkent.
At the moment, he is the Rector's adviser on pedagogical issues of Profi University in Tashkent and the editorial director of "People's Education Info". The project was launched in order to analyze the problems in the education system, provide solutions to them, and increase the legal literacy of pedagogues and employees working in the education system.
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