The list of subjects for which the final control exams will be held for students and the exam forms have been approved

05:00 / 30.03.2024
According to the order of the Minister of Preschool Education No. 87 dated March 20, 2024, it is necessary to organize and conduct the final state certification of students in general secondary educational institutions in the 2023-2024 academic year. procedure was approved.
According to it, the list of subjects for which the final control exams will be held and the forms of the exam were determined as follows:
For 9th grade
Mother tongue and literature - written
The state language (for classes where the language of instruction is not Uzbek) is written
Mathematics - writing
History of Uzbekistan - written and oral
Physical education is practical
Final control:
For class 11
Mother tongue and literature - written (essay)
Mathematics - writing
Uzbek language (for general secondary educational institutions where education is not conducted in Uzbek language) - written and spoken. Choice of educational institution**
Foreign language - written/oral
History of Uzbekistan - written/oral
* According to the student's choice:
Fundamentals of state law
Geography - written
Note: * In the 11th grade, one of the optional (variant) subjects is chosen according to the student's application one month before the final state certification.
** In the 11th grade, one of the elective (variant) subjects is chosen by the educational institution one month before the final state certification, based on the voluntary choice of each student and the opinions of parents. The elective subject is chosen from among the subjects offered in addition to compulsory subjects.
Graduation exams for 9th graders will be held on May 1-6 in Physical Education, May 27 in Mother Language and Literature, and May 30 in Mathematics. Graduation exams for 11th graders will be held on May 29 in Mother Language and Literature, and in Mathematics on June 1.
Physical education exams for students of the 9th grade of general secondary educational institutions will be held on May 1-6, 2024 under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. (has a disability in physical or mental development specialized school for children, boarding schools and with scoliosis sanatorium-type boarding schools for sick children are excluded).
In specialized schools and boarding schools for blind, visually impaired, and locomotor-impaired children, exams should be held based on the requirements set for general education institutions (with the exception of physical education).
In specialized schools and boarding schools for deaf and hard-of-hearing children, exams are carried out in the form of a statement on the subject of mother tongue and literature and a written control work on the subject of mathematics. In specialized schools and boarding schools for mentally retarded children, exams are held only in Technology.
In specialized schools and boarding schools for deaf and hard-of-hearing children, exams are carried out in the form of a statement on the subject of mother tongue and literature and a written control work on the subject of mathematics. In specialized schools and boarding schools for mentally retarded children, exams are held only in Technology.
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