Can a teacher of a specialized school work in another school on a part-time basis?

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Can a teacher of a specialized school work in another school on a part-time basis?

14:28 / 19.07.2024 4.36k


I work as a mathematics teacher at a school under the Agency of Specialized Educational Institutions. Can I work on a part-time basis at another private school while I take a leave of absence at my own expense? Wouldn't that be a good reason to lose my main job?


Companion work is the performance by an employee, in addition to his main job, of other regularly paid work in his free time from his main job on the terms of a separate employment contract.

According to Article 432 of the Labor Code, work on a part-time basis can be performed by an employee at his main place of work (internal part-time) or at another employer (external part-time).

In order to work on a part-time basis, the teacher does not need to take leave from the main place of work at his own expense. That is, working on a part-time basis in the time off of the main job is considered the right of the employee.

According to the Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated October 18, 2012 No. 297, the consent of the employer, the trade union committee (other representative body of employees) or another body from the main place of work is not required for work on a part-time basis.

Also, there is no restriction for the employee to work on a part-time basis in another school during the period of childcare leave, which is given to him until the child reaches the age of two, after the end of the maternity leave at the main place of work.

The duration of work only on a part-time basis should not exceed half of the norm of working hours established for this category of employees.

According to Article 435 of the Labor Code, employment contracts for work on a part-time basis may also be concluded with one or more employers, if this does not contradict the legislation.

In conclusion, when you are free from your main job, you can work part time at another private school.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Working time
  • Co-working
