Can the certification test be postponed to another day?

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Can the certification test be postponed to another day?

22:20 / 13.10.2024 1.99k


My brother works as a schoolteacher. He had paid for the category. But the wedding was scheduled for November 6-7. If the wedding falls on the day of the test, can the payment be refunded or the exam day be postponed?


The certification of pedagogical staff is regulated by the Regulation "On the Procedure for Certification of Pedagogical Personnel of Preschool, General Secondary, Secondary Special, Vocational and Extracurricular Educational Organizations," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 572 of September 17, 2021.

According to paragraph 45 of this regulation, if pedagogical personnel did not come to the certification for a valid reason, their certification will be postponed to another period.

The following circumstances are considered valid reasons:

  • period of temporary incapacity of an employee;

  • performance of state or public duties;

  • participation in republican and international competitions;

  • is temporarily on a trip to a foreign country;

  • death of a close relative;

  • other grounds specified in the certificate of the heads of the authorized state body or educational organizations.

Therefore, if the teacher cannot participate in the test due to the wedding ceremony of the employee, the certification test will be postponed to another date based on the relevant report of the school director.

In this case, the days of the tests for teachers who were unable to participate in the qualification (test) tests for good reasons are determined by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

It should be recalled that according to paragraph 22 of the relevant regulation, in case of postponement of the certification of pedagogical personnel due to their non-appearance for valid reasons, the fee is not charged again.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Attestation
  • Qualification category
