What should teachers do if their qualification category is not visible on the "base"?

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What should teachers do if their qualification category is not visible on the "base"?

18:07 / 16.10.2024 7.98k


The qualification category of some teachers is not visible in "UzASBO." "ERP in the database" has also disappeared. Teachers of the highest category, who have been working for 25 years, fell into the category of specialists. How to solve the problem of these teachers?


Currently, such cases are observed in many regions of our republic. In this regard, in order to clarify this situation, contacted the head of the department for organizing the process of assigning qualification categories to pedagogical personnel of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, Sardor Rakhimboyev.

According to Sardor Rakhimboyev, all platforms have been integrated into the "UzASBO-2" program and transfer has been launched through the "ERP Base."

Numerous problems will be prevented by digitizing the system. However, due to the new system, some problems are also observed in some cases.

Currently, the main problems are related to the qualification categories received many years ago and the upload of their old certificates into the system.

The reason is that at that time, such information was not linked to the PIPP of individuals. Therefore, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education has now established a working group in all regions and instructed the working group to eliminate such problems.

To whom should educators who face such problems turn?

Teachers whose qualification category is not visible in the "base," who for some reason fall into the category of specialists, can contact the members of the working group in the regions.

Information on the members of the working group formed in the regions

Republic of Karakalpakstan

Aitmambetov Nurmukhamet Kalimbetovich - 99-957-87-38

Sarsenbaev Jamalatdin - 99-382-75-18

Andijan region

Nurdinov Gulamidan - 91-492-52-00

Yulchiev Jahongir - 91-600-14-41

Abdurashidov Shukrullo - 97-777-45-65

Kashkadarya region

Kambarov Zahriddin - 90-444-11-10

Yolkinov Suhrob - 95-778-08-55

Hamidov Davron - 90-721-31-12

Radjabov Botirjon - 91-955-05-12

Shodmanov Khurshid - 95-139-17-17

Tashkent city

Urazova Nasiba - 97-784-38-14

Khakimova Zebo - 90-964-58-06

Jizzakh region

Kurbanova Nazokat - 91-567-33-44

Rakhmatullaev Akhadulla - 88-485-01-10

Sadullaeva Farangiz - 99-666-02-09

Syrdarya region

Murotkulov Muzaffar - 99-026-07-86

Berkinov Rashid - 93-329-99-61

Bukhara region

Afakov Shokir - 97-308-36-68

Yashuzakov Sukhrob - 91-244-81-85

Tuyev Bakhtiyor - 93-961-30-30

Niyozov Narimon - 93-431-24-28

Namangan region

Mamajonov Bakhtiyor - 88-532-00-05

Eshonov Bakhriddin - 94-150-70-02

Ubayev Utkirbek - 33-062-05-05

Navoi region

Urozov Alisher - 97-795-97-27

Ne'matov Yunus - 97-367-01-86

Fergana region

Siddikov Doniyor - 91-691 44 66

Mirzamakhmudov Murodil - 77-444-33-66

Usmanov Nizmamiddin - 94-827-52-51

Isroilov Hasanboy - 91-111-18-01

Artikov Asilbek - 90-164-02-65

Tashkent region

Shermatov Dilshod - 90-343-14-62

Bakhromov Begzod - 88-760-67-76

Surkhandarya region

Shoimov Asomiddin - 97-692-95-55

Juraqulov Abdusattor - 94-209-64-54

Khorezm region

Vaisov Jakhongir - 99-026-80-86

Latipov Ulugbek - 94-071-98-88

Abdrimov Jamshid - 90-434-66-76

Samarkand region

Usmanova Nargiza - 93-335-84-71

Khodjamkulov Uktam - 97-916-72-84

Abdiev Bunyod - 93-348-38-78

Nusratov Isomiddin - 99-591-09-36

Khalikulov Ilkhom - 97-286-31-89

Ganiev Erali - 93-724-11-16

Makhmadustov Amin - 99-591-36-70

Yakubov Murodillo - 91-528-27-88

What about teachers of the highest category with 15 years of work experience?

As you know, the qualification category of some high-class teachers with 15 years of experience has been preserved for life. However, appeals to are being received regarding the fact that in some regions no additional fees are paid for the qualification category of teachers belonging to this category.

The editorial office also addressed the responsible employee of the ministry, Sardor Rakhimboyev, on this issue.

Currently, working groups established in the regions are constantly working on this issue. Such problems will soon be resolved and re-calculated, and teachers will be paid the difference.

We have been able to restore the certificates of more than 13 thousand teachers throughout the country. Of these, we have retained the qualification categories of 6007 teachers for life.

If there is a misunderstanding in some region and the qualification category of some high-class teachers with 15 years of work experience has not been preserved for life, they should contact the working group whose list is presented above.

There are teachers who take advantage of the situation and present fake documents

According to Sardor Rakhimboyev, a responsible employee of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, there are also teachers who try to deceive the ministry by using the current situation in the wrong way.

"In the process of adding qualification category certificates not previously included in the system to the platform, we are also facing some fake certificates.

Unfortunately, among our teachers, there are those who forged the certificate of another teacher and formalized it on their own behalf through various programs.

With these actions, some of our teachers put themselves in an awkward position. Because when the certificates placed in the system are reloaded to the platform, it turns out that it is a fake certificate.

That is, it is impossible to place a fake certificate on the platform. Everything is perfectly designed. And some teachers are shamelessly complaining that they bring knowingly a fake certificate and my certificate does not leave the ERP database," said Sardor Rakhimboyev.

It should be recalled that if counterfeit certificates are detected, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education can apply to the court in accordance with Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and terminate the employment contract with at least these employees if their guilt is proven.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Qualification category
