What has been done by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education in 2024?

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What has been done by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education in 2024?

12:52 / 26.12.2024 1.71k

The Ministry of Preschool and School Education has published summaries of the work carried out in 2024. The summary provides statistical data on the work done in all areas.

The results for 2024 are as follows

  • The number of schools with vocational training has been increased to 289, the number of schools with a new assessment system has been increased to 1,500, and the number of second language schools has been increased to 354.

  • 500 foreign language teachers were involved;

  • Foreign language teachers with a B2 or higher level of certification reached 29,001 (59.1%);

  • 339,094 teachers (63.02 percent) were tested on the basis of the new procedure;

  • 12,738 trainees-teachers who were hired for the first time underwent professional certification;

  • 128 medals (15 gold, 36 silver, and 77 bronze) were won at the International Olympiads. The winning students were rewarded with 1.4 billion soums, and their teachers - 1.9 billion soums;

  • The International Biological Olympiad named after Abu Ali ibn Sina was organized for the first time in Bukhara (with 120 participants from 19 countries);

  • 420 571 managerial and pedagogical personnel have been trained. 142 teachers advanced their qualifications in foreign countries;

  • 1,054 school principals and 1,613 candidates for directors were trained in the "Management Training Course" and 1,766 of them were issued certificates;

  • 104 thousand students received international certificates within the framework of the "One Million Programmers" project;

  • 78 teachers were awarded state awards, 1,053 were awarded with the badges "People's Education Fidoyisi" and "People's Education Excellent";

  • Construction and repair work has been completed in 401 schools and more than 105,000 new student places have been created;

  • 10,160 schools were provided with sports equipment worth 61.8 billion soums and national musical instruments worth 46.0 billion soums;

  • 115 non-state general secondary educational organizations were created (573 in total) and 39,723 new educational places were created;

  • The number of schools with inclusive education has been increased to 947 (1 901 educational places);

  • "Mehrli Maktab" branches have been established in Bukhara, Namangan and Samarkand regions and in the city of Tashkent;

  • The National Institute of Pedagogical Mastery named after A. Avloni and 13 Centers of Pedagogical Mastery have been transformed;

  • The National Institute of Pedagogical Education named after Kori Niyazi was reorganized;

  • Branches of the specialized school named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan and Samarkand regions were established for a total of 504 places;

  • Presidential schools have been recognized as the official center for conducting SAT international certification exams;

  • 81 percent of graduates of Presidential schools received certificates for assessing the level of knowledge of international mathematics and English (SAT), 90 percent of graduates of creative schools, 56 percent of graduates of specialized schools received certificates of international and national level;

  • Sports schools named after Bakhodir Jalolov and Oksana Chusovitina were established in the system of the Agency for Specialized Educational Institutions;

  • Following the establishment of new types of preschool educational organizations, the number of state and non-state preschool educational organizations increased almost 8 times compared to 2017 and increased from 5,200 to 37,000;

  • In 2024, 4,644 preschool educational organizations (170 310 places) were created;

  • The level of coverage of children with preschool education has been increased to 76.0%, and the coverage of preparing 6-year-old children for school has been increased to 96%;

  • 6,841 state kindergartens were provided with educational and methodological and didactic materials, 170 state kindergartens were provided with 170 interactive boards and 5,100 tablets;

Several regulatory documents related to the preschool and school education system in 2024

23 regulatory legal acts have been adopted on the introduction of quality education in preschool and school educational institutions.

In particular, 2 laws related to the system, 4 decrees and 8 resolutions of the President, 9 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers are among them.

International work in 2024

More than 20 important international documents aimed at developing preschool and school education have been signed. As a result:

  • Training courses for Uzbek teachers have been organized in professional development centers and universities of international organizations;

  • Students and teachers of our country actively participated in international competitions;

  • South Korea, the USA, Azerbaijan, India, Italy, France and other countries received technical assistance cargoes, computer learning equipment, food products, sports equipment, inclusive educational equipment and books as grants;

  • Cooperation with authoritative international organizations has been established for the development and implementation of innovative teaching methods.

  • More than 1,200 system employees and teachers (over 550 on advanced training programs) made foreign business trips to the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain, Georgia, Germany, Korea, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, France, Oman;

  • More than 50 prestigious international forums, symposia, conferences, round tables, lectures and seminars were held. It was attended by more than 500 representatives of foreign countries;

  • 20 bilateral and multilateral international documents were signed with foreign partner organizations;

  • More than 200 high-level meetings were held with representatives of UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the Exim Bank of Korea, the Saudi Development Fund, the Asian Development Bank, KOICA, JICA, TURKSOY, AISESCO, the OPEC Fund, the OSCE, USAID, the American Council, the British Council, the Korean Education Center, the Strieling Foundation, the US Mercy Corps and other foreign partner organizations.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • ministry
  • Year summary
