A parliamentary inquiry was sent to the minister due to the lack of medical rooms in some schools

11:30 / 01.06.2024
Yesterday, at the next session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the issue of sending the parliamentary request of the Legislative Chamber "On the state of medical services to children in general secondary education institutions" to the Minister of Pre-school and School Education Khilola Umarova was considered developed.
It is known that the state of providing medical services to children was studied and analyzed by the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.
According to the results of studies, as well as the analysis of appeals received from citizens, it has been determined that there are a number of urgent issues that are waiting for their solution regarding the establishment of medical services in secondary schools.
Based on this, the minister of pre-school and school education X A parliamentary request was sent to Umarova.
Now the ministry will have to submit relevant information to the parliament within 10 days.
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14:00 / 06.03.2025
A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

14:22 / 05.03.2025
“Orzudagi maktab” loyihasi o‘tkaziladi

06:45 / 05.03.2025
An 8th-grade student has given birth to a child

12:04 / 04.03.2025
Spring break for schoolchildren begins on March 21.
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From March 1, 2025, the ministry's website will be transferred to a single platform.
13:13 / 12.02.2025

Do you know Minister Khilola Umarova closely?
He became a minister on December 30, 2023.
20:00 / 13.04.2024

Vazir Hilola Umarova faoliyatiga ikki yil
Vazir bu davr mobaynida qanday islohotlar qildi?
12:27 / 02.01.2025

“2025-yil maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi tizimi xodimlari uchun xushxabarlarga boy bo‘ladi” – Hilola Umarova
Hilola Umarova ta’lim tizimi xodimlariga Yangi yil bayram tabrigini yo‘lladi
13:12 / 31.12.2024
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