Are the summer holidays in schools shortening?

Reports have circulated on social media that a proposal to reduce the three-month summer vacation for students in Uzbek schools by 1.5 months is being considered. contacted the Ministry of Preschool and School Education to determine the validity of these reports.
According to the ministry, there are currently no plans to shorten summer holidays in schools, and the messages on social networks have no basis.
As a reminder, according to the Regulation "On General Secondary Education," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 of March 15, 2017, the duration of the academic year is 34 weeks (33 weeks for grades I).
The duration of vacations during the academic year is determined as follows:
- autumn leave - 6 calendar days, starting from November 4;
- winter holidays - 14 calendar days from December 28;
- spring holidays - 7 calendar days, starting from March 21;
- summer holidays - from the day of the last stage of the control test (for classes not subject to stage control, from the day following the end of the academic year) until September 1.
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