An international school will be launched in Uzbekistan from September 1, 2025.

On March 27, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed a presentation on improving the system of supporting talented youth.
During the presentation, it was noted that 14 Presidential schools, 185 specialized schools, and 9 creative schools have been organized, their teaching and assessment systems have been implemented in 1,500 general education schools, and the "New Uzbekistan" University has been opened for gifted graduates.
In particular, from September of this year, it is planned to launch the activities of the international school. Initially, the most talented 60 boys and girls will be selected from among 8th-grade graduates.
The curriculum, based on international standards, will consist of three parts: core subjects, specialized subjects, and subjects focused on leadership and social activism. The academic year is divided into 3 periods and lasts 11 months.
Also, the preparation of young people for the universities of the American Ivy League will be established. For this purpose, a 6-stage National Program will be adopted. This year, 3 thousand students will be selected. They will be assigned 208 consultants from Presidential and specialized schools.
Students will undergo three-week intensive training courses throughout the year at the Renaissance camp. Forty of the best performers will be sent to Ivy League universities for an exchange of experience.
Now the "Community of the country's gold fund" will be created. Through it, talented youth will be united on a single platform.
Benefits, grants, startup programs, and other opportunities will be created for those who have returned from studying abroad. Every year on May 25, a community congress is held, at which a dialogue is organized on such topics as educational reforms, opportunities created for gifted youth, and the experience of foreign universities.
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Employees of the preschool and school education system were caught red-handed.

A new Olympiad will be organized for students, and the winners will be admitted to study on a grant basis.

An 8th-grade student participated in the "Young Reader" competition and won a car.

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