In Kazakhstan, the ban on the use of smartphones by schoolchildren during classes is being legalized

17:13 / 30.11.2023
In Kazakhstan, it is planned to ban the use of smartphones by schoolchildren during classes. This is provided for in the draft law "On amendments and additions to certain legal documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education and coaching issues". informed about the new changes based on Deputy Askhat Ayamagambetov.
At the moment, there are no specific restrictions on the use of mobile phones during classes in schools.
"This issue has been discussed for a long time. The restriction applies only to school hours, the child can bring a mobile phone to school and use it during breaks. That is, there are no restrictions in this regard. During the lesson, the child should only be educated, that is, he should not use any social networks, for example, he should not be on TikTok," Ayagambetov explained.
The deputy clarified that schoolchildren are allowed to use phones only in exceptional cases.
"Now we have many modern specialists, many teachers who use various applications. To work in some innovative way, the teacher (and with his permission, students - ed.) can use mobile phones. There are no restrictions on this. If a child wants to use the phone for personal work during the lesson, it is definitely not allowed," said the deputy.
Therefore, the use of smartphones by students and pedagogues during classes is not taken into account by the teacher's decision, unless it is necessary to use them in class.
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