Swedish schools have switched from tablets to books

22:41 / 28.01.2024
Sweden will begin a return to traditional teaching methods from September 2023, amid growing concerns that students' basic skills are declining.
The country, known for its highly digital approach to education, has abolished digital learning for children under the age of six, making digital devices optional in pre-schools.
Sweden will invest 685 million kroner in buying books for schools in 2023 and another 500 million kroner each year in 2024 and 2025 to address falling reading levels among fourth-graders.
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16:00 / 14.03.2025
The car created by the teacher was financed by the ministry for 63 million soums.

23:22 / 13.03.2025
Are the summer holidays in schools shortening?

12:50 / 13.03.2025
A mother who begged without involving her children in education was held accountable.

17:27 / 12.03.2025
Starting from the new academic year, teachers with secondary specialized education will also be involved in the certification.
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