A total of 1884 materials were received on the promotion platform

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A total of 1884 materials were received on the promotion platform

16:01 / 13.03.2024 3.58k
It is known that the methodical works prepared by pedagogues for dissemination will continue until March 20 of this year. The promotion platform will be completely closed on March 20.

At the same time, as of March 13, the number of methodical works or methodical recommendations sent by pedagogues reached 1884. This was reported by the Republican Education Center.

Methodological work or methodical recommendations sent to the popularization platform in the cross-section of regions:

Andijan region - 11%
Bukhara region - 7%
Fergana region - 10%
Jizzakh region - 4%
Khorezm region - 6%
Namangan region - 13%
Navoi region - 5%
Kashkadarya region - 8%
Republic of Karakalpakstan - 7%
Samarkand region - 7%
Syrdarya region - 3%
Surkhandarya region - 7%
Tashkent city - 5%
Tashkent region - 7%.

At the same time, Namangan region is the leader in terms of the number of materials sent to the popularization platform.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Popularization
