Is a school-wide work promotion given points for a bonus even if it is not posted on the platform?

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Is a school-wide work promotion given points for a bonus even if it is not posted on the platform?

14:45 / 02.07.2024 11.75k
My methodological recommendation was popularized at school level. There is also a decision of the Pedagogical Council to popularize it on a school scale. But our "savuch" refused to put a score on the bonus, saying that your work experience was not posted on the platform Isn't the decision of the Educational Council enough for the school-wide work?

By order of the Minister of Preschool and School Education No. 32 dated February 7, 2024, the procedure for popularizing the best practices of teachers has been developed.

According to this procedure, the methodological work developed by the subject teacher of a general education institution on the basis of advanced experience is discussed by the Methodological Association of the school in the areas, and if it is recognized as having advanced work experience, it is recommended to the Pedagogical Council of the school for popularization at the school level.

Based on the recommendation of the methodological association, the Pedagogical Council examines whether the applicant's methodological work has been developed in accordance with the requirements for the methodological work approved by this order and the evaluation criteria, and the Pedagogical Council takes a decision on whether to popularize it at the school level.

If the applicant's methodological work is given a positive conclusion and is considered worthy of popularization, it will be popularized at the school level by the decision of the Pedagogical Council and posted on the platform and sent to the next stages.

Note that the condition of placing the methodological work popularized at the school level on the platform is a rule established only for subsequent stages.

That is, it is completely irrelevant whether the methodological work is placed on the platform or not when calculating points for the bonus for the work experiment popularized at the school level.

In the second paragraph of Chapter 4 of the Instruction on the Procedure for Popularizing the Best Practice of Teachers, the decision of the Pedagogical Council on the non-issuance of a certificate for methodological work popularized at school level and its popularization at school level is considered the basis and is valid for three years.

Also, in the instructional letter of the Ministry of Public Education No. 02-02/3-1699 dated June 11, 2021, the list of documents submitted by teachers when assigning allowances to teachers at the expense of the director's fund is established.

In order to popularize the teacher's work experience, this instruction provides for a decision of the relevant council on the popularization of work experience by the teachers to the Working Group, as well as a methodological set of popularized work experience (recommendations, manuals and other materials).

In conclusion, taking into account the above, we consider that the decision of the pedagogical council alone is sufficient to calculate points for the bonus for the work experiment popularized at the school level.

Therefore, in this situation, even if the work experience of the teacher is popularized at the school level, but not placed on the platform, the teacher should be given 7 points in accordance with the requirements of the evaluation criteria.

For reference: We also received the conclusion of the responsible person of the Republican Education Center under the Ministry of Preschool and School Education on this issue. Ya'ni, RTM mas'ul ham ushbu javobning to'g'ri ekanligini tasdiqladi.

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Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • surcharge
  • Popularization
