Is it clear how many days off employees will have during Ramadan?

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Is it clear how many days off employees will have during Ramadan?

10:30 / 08.04.2024 4.67k
The first day of Ramadan is not yet clear. The day of Eid is determined by the appearance of the new moon.

The 30th day of Ramadan falls on Tuesday, April 9. So, if the appearance of the new moon does not change, then Ramadan Hayit may fall on Wednesday, April 10. Then:

April 10, Wednesday — the day of Ramadan Hayit. On Tuesday, April 9, according to Article 187 of the Civil Code, the duration of each day's work (shift) will be reduced by at least 1 hour for all employees.

Thursday, April 11 is an additional day off for all employees, regardless of the type of work week.
April 12, Friday — an additional day off for 6-day workers, April 13, a rest day moved from Saturday for 5-day workers.
Saturday, April 13 is a working day for all employees, regardless of the type of work week.
April 14, Sunday is a day off for everyone.

Basis: Articles 207-208 of the Labor Code and Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-213 of December 22, 2023 "Setting non-working days and moving holidays during the celebration of official dates in 2024 is correct on" decree.

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Author of the article

Muhammadamin Karimjonov

Muhammadamin Karimjonov



  • vacation
  • Working time
