Smartphones are prohibited in Italian schools

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Smartphones are prohibited in Italian schools

10:38 / 12.07.2024 3.12k
According to new regulations in Italy, smartphones and tablets are prohibited in Italian classes, even for educational purposes.
"The use of smartphones and tablets can often cause tensions between students and teachers, sometimes leading to aggressive actions against school staff," said Giuseppe Valditara, the Minister of Education of Italy.
The ban applies to students in kindergartens, primary and lower secondary schools.

In fact, as early as 2007, Italy banned the use of smartphones for purposes not related to school lessons, but these rules were not always followed.

Last year, the UN agency for education, culture and science, UNESCO, recommended banning smartphones in schools around the world.

He noted that devices distract students and negatively affect learning outcomes.

It should be recalled that the regulation of the use of mobile phones in educational institutions in Uzbekistan is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 139 dated May 21, 2012 and the Model Code of Conduct approved by the Order of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education No. 282 dated August 31, 2023.

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • foreign education
  • Mobile phone
  • Italy
