Can students come to school in any clothes?

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Can students come to school in any clothes?

12:52 / 02.08.2024 58.48k


Since there is currently no requirement to introduce a unified school uniform, some parents are asking whether their children can go to school in the clothes they want. No, for now, if we want him to come in black pants and white shirt, some parents object to us saying that the government decision has been canceled. Is the parents' request correct?


This parent's claim is incorrect. It is true that by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 558 of October 3, 2022, the requirement to introduce a uniform in approved forms for students in state general secondary education institutions was canceled. However, students are required to come to the educational institution in the form prescribed by the school's Charter or by the rules of internal order and etiquette.

That is, the unified school uniform has been abolished, not a regular school uniform. Now let's try to explain the differences between these two concepts.

Uniform school uniform is a uniform of the same design and color for all schools, as defined by the government.

A typical school uniform is a uniform of a specific design and color chosen by each school at its own discretion. In this case, each school may or may not choose the type of uniform that is suitable for it.

According to the "Improved Model Etiquette Rules of a General Education Institution," approved by Order No. 282 of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education dated August 31, 2023, it is forbidden for students to come outside the form specified in the Charter of the educational institution, including boys in short pants, T-shirts, sandals, and girls in short, open, narrow and transparent clothing, and to wear various jewelry on their neck and fingers.

Students should also dress neatly and neatly, keep their hair neat and organized.

Therefore, if a unified school uniform is not introduced by the government, then it is regulated by the charter of the school.

Therefore, it is advisable for each educational institution to approve the form of school uniforms established for students in its charter.

In conclusion, all students are required to follow the internal order and rules of etiquette of educational institutions.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • School uniform
