It was possible to extend the qualification category of teachers who returned early from childcare leave

It is known that according to the Regulation approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 572 dated September 17, 2021:
- pregnant women during their pregnancy and for one year after leaving work;
- women who are in maternity and childcare leave during their leave and for one year after leaving work;
- it is established that women with children under the age of three engaged in pedagogical activities will not be involved in the next mandatory certification.
However, there was a problem in practice in this process. That is, some teachers also return from "decretary" leave early.
For example, some female teachers return to work at their own discretion before the childcare leave ends. In this case, the duration of the childcare leave may be one year for some, and two years for others.
In this case, according to the requirements of the Regulation "On the Procedure for Attestation of Pedagogical Staff of Preschool, General Secondary, Secondary Specialized, Vocational and Extracurricular Educational Organizations," a pedagogical worker will not be involved in the certification tests, and he will be paid according to the current qualification category.
However, in practice, due to the expiration of the qualification category certificate for some teachers who returned from the "decree" leave earlier, the platform did not accept it, as a result, the teacher was paid according to the category of specialist.
For example, in 2018, the pedagogical worker received a qualification category, and in 2022 he went on "decret" leave. In 2023, his qualification category certificate expired.
The employee returned to work in 2023, before the childcare leave was fully completed. According to the regulation, this employee cannot be involved in certification. In this case, it was impossible to change the certificate's expiration date.
Now on the platform, it is possible to extend the term of the qualification category for teachers who return early from the "decree." Sardor Rahimboyev, an official of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, informed about this.
According to the new order, pedagogical workers who return from "decretary" leave earlier will be able to extend the validity of the qualification category certificate through their personal account on the platform, by uploading information about the child's birth to the platform.
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