The reduced position of laboratory assistant in ordinary schools was introduced in creative and specialized schools

It is known that by order No. 288 of August 28, 2024, signed by the Ministry of Preschool and School Education in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment, several positions in general secondary education institutions were reduced. These positions included the position of laboratory assistant.
The ministry noted that such reductions were made in order to optimize repeated inefficient expenditures in the field of general secondary education and ensure the effective and rational use of funds allocated from the state budget.
According to the new rule, if there is a laboratory room, one of the physics or chemistry teachers will be paid a monthly surcharge of 50 percent of the minimum wage, that is, 577,500 soums.
It is interesting that by order of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education No. 355 dated October 17, 2024, a laboratory position of 1.0 units was introduced for each of the laboratory rooms with the necessary equipment for chemistry, biology, physics and the possibility of conducting laboratory classes in specialized and creative schools.
According to the order of the Ministry, the position of a laboratory assistant, introduced in specialized and creative schools, was introduced in order to improve the educational process, widely use modern teaching methods and mechanisms in this regard, as well as to ensure a deeper and more robust study of the lesson process through laboratory classes.
The question arises: why did the Ministry abolish the position of laboratory assistant in ordinary schools in order to reduce repeating inefficient costs, then why did it introduce this position in creative and specialized schools?
If the position of a laboratory assistant is necessary for a deeper and more robust study of educational processes through laboratory sessions, why was this position removed from ordinary schools?
Therefore, based on the position of the Ministry, it is important to deeply study the educational process in specialized and creative schools through laboratory sessions, but for ordinary schools, this is of no importance. Isn't this a clear discrimination for ordinary schoolchildren?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the abolition of the position of laboratory assistant in ordinary schools, but soon after, the introduction of this position in creative and specialized schools, was another clear example of stratification and inequality in the field of education.
Although the ministry aims to effectively manage resources, it is natural that this situation deprives ordinary schoolchildren of practical knowledge. This is recognized by the ministry itself.
We consider this decision of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education for ordinary schools to be contrary to the goals of ensuring equal opportunities in education. In fact, all schools should be provided with equal resources and opportunities to provide quality education to every student.
Only then will it be possible to reduce disparities between schools and create equal opportunities for all students. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education seems to be increasing the disparities between schools rather than creating equal opportunities for all students.
It should be recalled that earlier we published an article on the special conditions created for Presidential, creative and specialized schools, as well as the growing inequality in the state education system.
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